Fibromyalgia is a chronic and complex disorder characterized by pain and tenderness all over the body, often with fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. If you ask someone with fibromyalgia, their typical response is that “It hurts everywhere, from my head to my toe!” The pain is often described as a deep muscular aching, shooting, or even throbbing pain and can be unbearable. Unfortunately, while there is no cure for this disorder, here are 4 suggestions which can help improve your condition and your lifestyle.
1. Staying Active
You’re probably thinking, “Wait! I’m already in so much pain, how can I exercise?!” While it may seem counter-intuitive, it is very important that you be as physically active as your body allows you to be. Yes, in the beginning, exercising may increase your pain, but regular exercise actually helps to reduce pain symptoms and fatigue and is one of the most effective ways of treating fibromyalgia. A common mantra for fibromyalgia patients is to “start low, go slow”. Begin your exercise routine with simple, low effort activities and work your way up to more intense exercises as your body allows. Appropriate exercises may include walking, biking, swimming and active stretching. It may take some time to create a routine that works for your body and pain tolerance, but remember to stay active and keep going, don’t give up! Consult with one of our physical therapists for a customized home exercise program.
2. Healing your body and mind
In addition to staying physically active, Yoga and other stretching exercises are very helpful to reduce pain over time. Yoga helps increase flexibility, muscle strength and tone, respiration, energy and vitality. Aside from the many physical benefits, yoga also has mental benefits, especially for patients with fibromyalgia. It is very effective in managing stress, as stress can often lead to back and neck pain, headaches, or sleeping problems.
3. Getting enough sleep
Because your body is extremely sensitive to pain, getting enough rest can also be very difficult, but you must try. One way is to develop a regular sleep pattern. By going to sleep and waking up everyday around the same times (even on weekends and vacations), this helps your body repair itself, both physically and mentally. Keeping your bedroom dark, quiet and cool should also help. Avoid caffeine and alcohol after lunch, as both can keep you from sleeping or with disturb your sleep. In addition, outside of the countless negative effects of cigarettes, patients should stop smoking because nicotine is also a stimulant, affecting your ability to sleep regularly.
4. Eating a healthy diet
While there are no known foods that have a greater tendency of “triggering” a pain attack, having a healthy, balanced diet with proper nutrition should be important to everyone. Eating well will give you more energy, a better mood, and also help you avoid other health problems.
We hope that these suggestions can provide some guidance on what you can do (or help a friend or family member) with fibromyalgia. If you would like a customized exercise program or need nutritional advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation. We can provide a customized plan for your specific needs and work together to meet your goals. We know you can do anything if you set your mind to it! Don’t give up and live your life to the fullest!